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caisec '24 : Elevating the Standards of Cybersecurity Excellence

Prepare to be astounded as caisec ’24, the eminent cyber and information security exhibition and conference, gears up to surpass all expectations, promising an even grander, more impressive spectacle than its predecessor. Building on the resounding success of caisec ’23, which drew over 3,500 attendees, caisec ’24 is poised to elevate the standards of cybersecurity excellence to unparalleled heights. Anticipate an extraordinary lineup of over 150 esteemed speakers, delivering unparalleled insights and knowledge in the dynamic realm of cybersecurity. With an expanded agenda encompassing over 110 sessions that include enthralling panel discussions, immersive workshops, and illuminating presentations, caisec ’24 is set to cater to an even wider spectrum of interests within the cybersecurity domain. Furthermore, expect an expanded exhibition featuring 40 plus cutting-edge exhibitors, providing attendees with an exclusive opportunity to explore the forefront of industry innovations. Get ready to witness the triumph beyond measure as caisec ’24 reaffirms its position as the foremost gathering for cybersecurity professionals, researchers, and enthusiasts, dedicated to amplifying their expertise and fostering invaluable connections within the community

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Arab League Secretary General to launch the Arab Cybersecurity Strategy at caisec 24.

The official launch of the Arab Cybersecurity Strategy by the Secretary-General of the League of Arab States at caisec 24 signifies a monumental shift in the cybersecurity landscape of the region as the first groundbreaking endeavor of its kind. This historic initiative not only heralds the inception of the inaugural Arab cybersecurity framework but also represents a momentous stride towards strengthening digital security protocols and safeguarding critical infrastructure across Arab nations. By accentuating the utmost significance of cybersecurity on a regional scale, this strategic unveiling proactively addresses existing cyber threats while laying the foundation for a collaborative ecosystem that fosters resilience and drives innovation in cybersecurity practices across the Arab world. Embracing the pillars of Digital Transformation, Innovation, Digital Inclusion, and Digital Trust, this strategy ensures a holistic cybersecurity approach centered on data protection and cultivating trust within digital realms. The envisioned collaborative initiatives under this strategy foreshadow a future characterized by fortified cybersecurity frameworks, amplified cooperation among Arab nations, and a vigilant approach to emerging cyber adversities, positioning the region as a vanguard of cybersecurity excellence.

caisec '24

Hottest Cybersecurity Technology Trends : Thousands of vendors and service providers launch new products every day. We shall hear about the latest trends and tips on how to determine which technologies are best to secure your enterprise.

"The Rise of Nation-State Cyber Attacks: Preparing for the Unprecedented"

Nation-state sponsored cyber-attacks have become increasingly prevalent and sophisticated, targeting governments, critical infrastructure, and private organizations. In this panel, professionals will analyze recent attacks, discuss potential motivations, and explore strategies to detect, prevent, and respond to such advanced threats. The discussion will shed light on threat intelligence sharing, international cooperation, and the role of public-private partnerships in combating these attacks.

“Cyber Threat Intelligence: From Data to Actionable Insights"

Exploring the role of cyber threat intelligence in proactively identifying and mitigating cyber threats, discussing the collection, analysis, and dissemination of intelligence to enhance defense capabilities and incident response.

"Quantum Leaps: Securing the Future in a Post-Quantum Era"

Securing the Future in a Post-Quantum Era" aims to delve into the profound implications of quantum computing advancements on current cryptographic systems and explore potential solutions to ensure robust security in the face of quantum threats. As quantum computing continues to evolve, traditional cryptographic algorithms that underpin our digital infrastructure face the risk of being rendered vulnerable. This discussion will bring together experts in the field to examine the challenges posed by quantum computing and foster dialogue on the urgent need for post-quantum cryptography. By addressing the implications and exploring solutions, the panel aims to pave the way for a secure and resilient digital landscape in the post-quantum era.

"Deceptive Charms: Unraveling the Complexity of Evolved Social Engineering Attacks"?

In an interconnected digital world, social engineering attacks have evolved to become more sophisticated and elusive. As technology advances, so do the tactics used by cybercriminals to deceive and manipulate individuals and organizations. The panel discussion will delve into the intricate landscape of evolved social engineering attacks, shedding light on the deceptive charms employed by threat actors to infiltrate, exploit, and compromise systems and data. Attendees will gain valuable insights into the evolving nature of these attacks, the psychological strategies behind them, and the proactive measures needed to defend against them in an increasingly complex cybersecurity landscape.

Strengthening Digital Banking Defenses: Cyber Resilience in the Financial Sector

The rapid evolution of digital banking has revolutionized the way consumers manage their finances, presenting new opportunities and challenges for financial institutions. This panel will delve into the critical aspects of digital banking security and risk management, shedding light on the strategies and technologies essential for safeguarding customer data and financial transactions in an increasingly interconnected world.

"Unveiling the Cyber Security Awareness Imperative: Safeguarding Organizations Amidst the Avalanche of Attacks"

In an era where cyber threats are ever evolving and more sophisticated, the imperative for heightened cyber security awareness has never been more pressing. This panel discussion aims to uncover the risks posed by cyber security ignorance and the potential vulnerabilities that can ensue from accolades and awards. By shedding light on the correlation between organizational recognition and increased susceptibility to cyber-attacks, this insightful dialogue will provide strategic insights and practical solutions for cultivating a cyber-resilient environment. Join us as we navigate the complex terrain of cyber security awareness and fortify organizations against the onslaught of digital threats.

caisec '24 Speakers

Triumph Beyond Measure! caisec '23: A Stellar Showcase of Cybersecurity Ingenuity and United Expertise

caisec ’23, the cyber and information security exhibition and conference, reached its conclusion with unparalleled success, attracting an impressive gathering of over 3,500 attendees from around the world. The event featured more than 90 renowned speakers, who shared their insights and knowledge in the field of cybersecurity, enriching the experience for all participants. With a diverse agenda comprising over 80 sessions, including captivating panel discussions, hands-on workshops, and insightful presentations, the conference catered to a wide array of interests in the realm of cybersecurity. In addition, 36 exhibitors displayed cutting-edge products and services, offering attendees a chance to explore the latest innovations in the industry. caisec ’23 has indisputably established itself as a premier event for cybersecurity professionals, researchers, and enthusiasts seeking to expand their knowledge and network within the community

caisec is the go-to platform for CISOs to gain valuable insights

• Meet your customers and potential customers

• Build strong relationships with a market hungry for your services

• Be part of the cybersecurity scene while it is still in the making


• Spread awareness about the need for cyber resilience

• Coach and get coached by cybersecurity leaders

• Hear case studies about success and failure in complex security

• Penetrate new markets

• Position your products and services among world leaders